Normal Christianity vs Revival

Today Christianity calls for deep concern and serious prayers to be offered for the Body of Christ.We have left what is considered to be a normal Christianity by the early Christians and today we are busy chasing shadows.Normal Christianity have gone down the drain all through this centuries,with politics and worldly interference as some of the reasons behind it,but the major obstacle is we ourselves.We are sleeping and slumbering and have left what was considered normal for abnormal, truth for lies,theocracy for democracy and the lists goes on and on.False Christianity is the order of the day,whereby grace is preached without holiness,and love is preached without repentance.

Firstly,Normal Christianity is all about love,imagine how God send His beloved Son,a representative of the Godhead to us just because of His love. Even while we were sinners Christ died for us out of love.While here on earth Christ Jesus demonstrated to us what love is all about,not just in his words but in his actions.He showed how much He loves the Father  by constant fellowship couple with obedience and by refusing to succumb to the devil’s temptations…saying to the devil at a point,” Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve”Matt4:10. Normal Christianity starts by our loving God who first loved us.Lets imitate Jesus when it comes to loving God and people. Jesus love for people compel Him to go round cities and towns  preaching the gospel both day and night, forgave sins and healed all who were afflicted.Sometimes He preached from the mountain tops,on  boats in the lakes and sea sides just because of His love.His love made Him to listen to Nicodemus at night while He should be sleeping,came walking on the sea to reached out to His disciples who were all alone,and  rebuke the wind another time so that they wouldn’t be drown in the storm,He fed five thousand men and four thousand men at different times excluding women and children because of His love.All his actions was love motivated and this space here will not be enough to mentioned them all,it was said of Him, ”But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” Matt9:36. Finally He died for humanity sins,my sins and your sins,went to hell for us,among other things collected back the authority that man lost in the garden of Eden to the devil and gave back to us.He did all this for us just because of His love,can you imagine how He died?After be given 39 lashes of  wipe,crown of thorns placed on His Head,while bleeding,He was given a cross to carry down to the mountain where He was to be crucify.About 6-9 inches of nails were pierced into His Hands and legs,He died a painful and agonising death for the forgiveness of our sins.Thank God He rose again on the third day, all this because of His love.

Secondly,Normal Christianity is still all about love.The early Church were so full of love like Jesus that they were  first called Christians in Antioch meaning Christ-like people.”… And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch”Acts11:26. There was such a great love in their midst that they stayed close together,in fellowship and ”in the breaking of bread,and in prayers”.Some of them sold their properties and belongings for the gospel sake,wow this is how Church should be,isn’t it?Today many sisters or brothers finds it difficult to live together without quarrelling,fighting and gossiping,may God help us.The love for God and people drove them into making sacrifices for the kingdom of God,even unto death.Check out how they died;Andrew,Peter’s brother was crucified on an olive tree in Greece,James brother of John was beheaded by Herod,Acts12:1-2,Stephen and James,son of  Alphaeus was at different times stone to death by the Jews,John was banished to the Isle of Patmos and later died in Ephesus,Paul was beheaded in Rome,Thomas was pierced with a sword in India and Peter was crucify upside down at his request because he thought he was not worthy to died like his Master.

Lastly,Normal Christianity is and always will be about love.It’s a challenge for we that calls ourselves Christians in this end-times to rise up,and imitate  Jesus Christ,our Master and the early Christians,by loving God and people around us without any excuse.Love still remains one basis virtue in entering the Kingdom of heaven,no matter your ‘spiritual giftings’ without it be used in love it profits you nothing,”Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing”1Cor13:1-3.

To me,Revival is simply Normal Christianity,which still is all about loving God,ourselves and people around us.Love is the greatest weapon we can use as a Church to conquer the World.When our unbelieving families,friends,neighbours and society sees us filled with love not pride,hatred,gossips,malice,strive,anger etc but pure/agape love of God,then they will be attracted to the gospel we preach.Let us repent and return to our First Love!

Author: travail2prevail

t p=R Called by God to raise-up men and women of prayer in this generation and a heart toward passionate evangelism for the end-time revival and harvest,motivated by deep love for God and people.

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